Thursday, 11 October 2018

Long vs Short cycles High vs Low dosing

short cycles at lower doses have become more logical imo

that is for a non professional athlete

not in compititions or in front of an audience or camera type of deal

8 to 10 weeks on 8 to 10 weeks off

rather than the traditional 500mg test go 400mgs test cyp prop enth pp

doesnt matter in those esters its still gunna work in 8 to 10 weks imo

why imo

because its safer the time off is shorter and keeping those gaines is easier

also those giant cycles where your on for 16 weeks at a gram or plus & whatever

the off time to on time is going to be obvious

here you are on the gram 16 weeks in

then there you are been off for 16 weeks

people are gunna go dude thats weird hes huge then now hes like ew

go ahead and pretend theres no difference if youd like but ...

not to mention being on sterois for 30 years now and still having a full head of hair

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