Friday, 5 October 2018

Hmmmmm...Can not help myself!!

So this is the deal....everyone knows how wonderful they feel when shit kicks in and the feeling about training is better than sex...well for some of us lol....kind of like a movie I watched the other night where a couple was doing cocaine and started making out....are you kidding me....the few times I did that shit when I was in my late teens...the last thing I wanted... was sex!! Talked like a mother fuuucker all night! Kind of the same deal in my eyes...

With everything that's going on, I'm not sure when I will feel totally comfortable in the gym...brain wise (I can't really explain it) as body wise I can make it happen just not even as close as it used to be...yet:D (and who knows when it will)

Sooooooooooooooooo....1. I have always loved Winstrol ...but...2. I had pretty much made a decision a long time ago that I wasn't going to touch shit again as I didn't need it or care to use it....but...3. I've tried to research to see if using it would help my situation and honestly nothing was said it would help my actual problems...but...I'm definitely looking at trying 5mg a day when I think I'm ready for!

Here's a few things I found that I liked....

Beyond performance enhancement, Winstrol has had a lot of success in modern medicine. It has been successfully used to combat lean tissue wasting and has had a lot of success in preserving bone mass in cases of osteoporosis. Winstrol has also been used to combat prolonged exposure to corticosteroid treatment, given to burn victims and even used to aid in the healing of severe bone fractures. The steroid has also enjoyed a little success in treating obesity when hormonal assistance is needed, as well as treating delayed growth in some children. As the years have passed, Winstrol has remained available for treatment for most of these conditions as well as being proven highly successful in treating angioedema among a few other treatment plans such as specific forms of breast cancer. The steroid has never lost FDA approval and unlike many anabolic steroids has maintained approval for numerous therapeutic treatment plans.


The effects of Winstrol are undoubtedly most beneficial to direct performance enhancement of an athletic nature. We’re talking about functional competitive athletes, not bodybuilders or physique athletes. This steroid has the ability to greatly increase strength and this can translate into both power and speed. Further, it will accomplish this without adding a lot of additional weight that could hinder some depending on the sport, as well as cause unwanted attention from prying eyes. There have been those who have said Winstrol isn’t good for competitive athletes, especially those athletes in explosive sports due to potential weakening of the tendons but this is more or less message board anecdotal hysteria that supports this claim. In fact, many studies have shown it can have a positive impact on strengthening tendons and we already know it’s good for the bones. If not, it wouldn’t be used to treat osteoporosis.

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